Our Countdown
The Yachtie Life

(continued from the home page)
“The most challenging times bring us the most empowering lessons.”
Guy and I visited often, going off on crazy sailing trips on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas.  Side note. It’s what you do when you don’t know how to sail and are the captain of a small sailboat.  You pull it out into the middle of the lake, throw up the sails and scream your heads off while learning the difficult task of sailing.  Yes, you can read lots of books on sailing, but until you have the wind knocking you over do you really ever learn how to sail.

Cas was a few months into being a boat owner when he came to me needing cash to cover his slip fees.  That was a heart-breaking day.  I wanted with all my heart to just float him the money, but what would that teach him?  So I had to be the bad guy, the responsible adult, and tell him no.  Instead, we offered to buy the boat from him for $1500, which was more than he would have gotten on Craigslist.  We made the boat available to him often, as we were only there on weekends.

"And so grew our love of sailing"

Every weekend and holiday, we drove 2 hours to Austin, from San Antonio.  We outfitted her so we were able to sleep on her each weekend.  From a portable AC to a portable toilet (head), we had everything we needed.  Six years later, on 4th of July weekend, 2016, we figured out something that was missing.

If you have any boating experience you kinda know that in a fancy marina, no one wants to go out on a little sailboat.  Their sailing time is dedicated to crewing the bigger boats.  Our non-sailing friends were afraid of our adventures.  We realized that no one would share time with us on our little boat.  That’s when we decided to upgrade to a larger boat and another chapter of adventures began.

(continued from the home page)
“The most challenging times bring us the most empowering lessons.”
Guy and I visited often, going off on crazy sailing trips on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas.  Side note. It’s what you do when you don’t know how to sail and are the captain of a small sailboat.  You pull it out into the middle of the lake, throw up the sails and scream your heads off while learning the difficult task of sailing.  Yes, you can read lots of books on sailing, but until you have the wind knocking you over do you really ever learn how to sail.

Cas was a few months into being a boat owner when he came to me needing cash to cover his slip fees.  That was a heart-breaking day.  I wanted with all my heart to just float him the money, but what would that teach him?  So I had to be the bad guy, the responsible adult, and tell him no.  Instead, we offered to buy the boat from him for $1500, which was more than he would have gotten on Craigslist.  We made the boat available to him often, as we were only there on weekends.

"And so grew our love of sailing"

Every weekend and holiday, we drove 2 hours to Austin, from San Antonio.  We outfitted her so we were able to sleep on her each weekend.  From a portable AC to a portable toilet (head), we had everything we needed.  Six years later, on 4th of July weekend, 2016, we figured out something that was missing.

If you have any boating experience you kinda know that in a fancy marina, no one wants to go out on a little sailboat.  Their sailing time is dedicated to crewing the bigger boats.  Our non-sailing friends were afraid of our adventures.  We realized that no one would share time with us on our little boat.  That’s when we decided to upgrade to a larger boat and another chapter of adventures began.

Everyone should make a radical change in their lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which they may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt.

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security and conformity which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality steals the very soul of an adventurous spirit.
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© 2022 Proudly created by LiveLaughSail Media Production LLC | Copyrighted LiveLaughSail LLC